Thanks to diligent citizen scientists, the brown huntsman spider, which is originally found in the Mediterranean, was first identified in Austria. It was occasionally introduced into countries outside of its natural range – such as Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. A connection with imports of goods from the Mediterranean region is very likely. This first record for Austria on, originating from Lower Austria, was published a short time later and can also be read in the newly published annual report 2021.

Highlights from all over Austria

The annual report shows outstanding discoveries and impressive images of Austrian biodiversity in 2021. In October last year, experienced ornithologists succeeded in taking a photo of a particularly rare visitor to Zicksee in Burgenland: the sandpiper, which overwinters in northern Central Europe, is a short-distance migrant and was able to access it This is only the fourth time that it has ever been documented in Austria.

2021 was also the year of the lesser migratory blue, which occurs primarily in the Mediterranean region. It was reported for the first time last year and several times on The observations of the small butterfly with the characteristic little tails on the wings come from Upper Austria, Carinthia and Styria. Another spectacular observation of nature was made by a reporter in Lower Austria: she was able to photograph a praying mantis building ootheca – as the foamy nests for storing eggs are called.

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