In your Telegram account,Kadyrov I affirm that one of his close associates, Apti Alaudinov, is “at the head of a thousand volunteers from the Chechen republic” who are “on their way to participate in the special operation for the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine.”
According to him, Alaudinov is an “experienced fighter who has repeatedly proven his high military training.”
“He is an excellent coordinator, able to make good decisions in a difficult combat environment. And I am absolutely sure that he will execute every order without fail and with maximum results ”, added Kadyrov.
The Chechen leader, who runs his republic of the Caucasus with a heavy hand had said on Monday that he was in the Ukraine with the Moscow forces at an airfield taken over by the Russians near kyiv.
This information could not be independently verified and was questioned by Ukrainian officials.
Kadyrov criticized by international NGOs for the serious human rights violations recorded in Chechnyais someone leal a Putin and has a paramilitary militia at its command, the “kadyrovtsy”.
At the beginning of the Russian offensive, some images circulated on social networks in which a square of Grozny the Chechen capital, full of soldiers who said they were ready to leave for Ukraine at any time.
Forces controlled by Kadyrov have been accused of multiple abuses in Chechnya.