The immigration reform by Joe Biden, president of the United States, finally reached Congress. With the new law, a large number of undocumented migrants will be able to access the Permanent Resident Card “quickly”. However, some immigrants will not receive the so-called Green Card, and then we will tell you who they are.

What immigrants will not receive the Green Card immediately?

In the first place, all immigrants who have arrived in the United States after December 31, 2020 will not be eligible for the Green Card. People who are not beneficiaries of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and those under Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

For what reason will the Green Card not be granted to immigrants in the United States?

Having a criminal record of several misdemeanors or a felony will also be grounds for an undocumented person not to be granted the Green Card.

When will the Green Card be issued to immigrants who were not disqualified?

It is currently unknown when ‘non-disqualified’ immigrants will receive their Permanent Resident Card immediately. This is due to the fact that the implementation of President Biden’s reform could be delayed until April, since Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives, is still in search of the votes necessary for the approval of the aforementioned law; this according to information from the Daily Mail.

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