Multiple incidents including shootings occur daily in the US city of New York. In this latest case, Michael Morgan, a 20-year-old, shot an employee of a fast-food chain three years older. According to local police, the episode occurred on Monday night and the victim is in critical condition.
The incident began as an argument between a 40-year-old woman and the victim at a McDonald’s location at 1531 Fulton St. in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Her mother accused the young man of having given her “very cold” fries and then proceeded to tell her son Morgan by video call.

The tragic episode occurred in a fast food restaurant located on 1531 Fulton St. in Bedford-Stuyvesant
Minutes later, the young man broke into the restaurant and argued with the employee before they both went outside, according to what was published by the New York Post portal. Morgan then pulled a gun from his pocket and shot the worker in the neck, who was left lying on the ground with few vital signs.
After that, the witnesses present at the scene rushed to help him, even a man took off his shirt and tried to stop the bleeding. “I was shaking. His chest was heaving. He was still breathing when they put him on the stretcher, ”reconstructed one of the people present.
The uniformed men did not take long to arrive at the scene and arrest the aggressor. New York Police officers confirmed that he had already been arrested several times. In addition to being charged with attempted murder, the 20-year-old was found guilty of possession of a weapon.
Even in the face of what happened, the number of shooting victims in New York was down nearly 9 percent from last year, from 1,051 to 988, according to Police Department statistics.
A story from weeks ago
In late June, a man complained that his sandwich had too much mayonnaise and opened fire inside a Subway location in Atlanta, USA, killing one employee and injuring others. According to the police report, the subject argued with two workers before shooting them.
“This was a very tragic situation that did not have to happen,” Deputy Police Chief Charles Hampton Jr. told different US media at the time. The woman who died from a gunshot wound was 26 years old and was identified by the forensic police as Brittany Macon.
“Even a minor saw the moment in which the individual held the weapon and shot the employee,” Hampton said while lamenting the trauma that this “could trigger in the boy.” Moments after what happened, the alleged shooter, 36, was arrested.
Consequently, the fast food chain issued a statement regretting what happened: “Our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those attacked in what was a senseless act of violence. At this time, we show concern for our team members.”
This event took place within the framework of the debate over the possession of weapons in the United States, a discussion that was once again on the lips of citizens after the shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas, which left 21 dead in May this year, including them 19 children.