Cloud video platforms that allow channeling and live streaming are now competing almost starkly to attract the best creators. And, for this reason, on many occasions the novelties that include what they are looking for is to match what others offer so as not to miss a single step. And, this, is what has just been known that YouTube has done , which has announced a novelty that, surely, is familiar to you.

From the hand of a Twitter post by the YouTube product manager, we are talking about Neal Mohan, it has been published that there is a novelty that affects the searches of the different channels that exist on the platform. This is not an advancement in the algorithm or more filtering options. No. The goal is for users to know in a very simple way if a channel is broadcasting live . A good idea, really.

And how will this be achieved? Well, very simple: what has been decided is that, surrounding the icon that identifies each of the channels that exist on YouTube, a ring will appear that will be the one that allows you to recognize those that are live. The truth is that this, being something very visual, works really well, as can be seen in the image that the aforementioned manager has published and that we leave below:

This is not exactly a novelty

If you are one of those who use other platforms that allow you to create channels and broadcast live, surely the novelty that YouTube has announced sounds like a lot to you… and it is logical. This is because in options such as Instagram or TikTok , this way of identifying the channels that broadcast live has existed for some time . So what the Google-owned company is doing is catching up with the competition, not doing anything new.

It is also true that the effectiveness of this ring on the icons works perfectly on the platforms mentioned above, so it is not a bad idea not to “touch” a lot what has been shown to not cause problems and is very well accepted. by users. We have already seen other companies do this on other occasions and, therefore, take a big hit and have to back down in a short time.

Colors will be the key on YouTube

Well yes, it seems that there will be different colors that will indicate to users more information apart from what the channel is broadcasting, and this could be a success. In addition, a small text will also be included that will be completely identifying (in the case we are talking about, the one that will appear will be Live … but, obviously, this allows it to be extended to other possibilities in the streaming video service).

The fact is that YouTube is being smart, and it does not stop including what it sees that works on other platforms, such as short videos or Shorts that are one of the new bets with its vertical format that has given such good results to TikTok.

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