The option to block contacts in WhatsApp can sometimes be problematic. The contact you block will notice immediately when entering the chat of your conversations.
He will no longer be able to see your profile picture or statuses, it will not appear to him when you are online or offline, and of course, you will never see the second “check” in the ones you send because you will not receive them.
Canceling someone on WhatsApp can be satisfying, but also inconvenient if for any reason you are not interested in them discovering how much you want to hear from them.
In these cases, the WhatsApp blocking function is not the most recommended, but there is a way that you will not see the chat or the new messages of a certain contact again and without the affected noticing any change. You must follow the following steps:
1. Enter WhastApp.
2. Select the chat of the contact you want to lose sight of.
3. Tap on the icon Menu, the three dots in the upper right corner.
4. In the menu that appears, select mute notifications.
5. In the menu that overlays the chat, select Forever.
Alternatively, you can perform the same action from the contact’s profile. The option of mute notifications It is located below the gallery of files and images.
In this way, WhatsApp will no longer give you any notice when new messages arrive from that contact. But you still have it visible in the app and you will find it in the chats tab every time you use it. So you must complete the procedure with these steps:
6. Enter the chats tab of WhatsApp.
7. Hold down for a few seconds the chat of the chosen contact. This will be selected and a new menu with several options will appear at the top of the screen.
8. Select the icon file, which is the square with the down arrow.
From that moment on, that contact has ceased to exist for you. You will not see it in your list of chats nor will you receive new notifications. If at any time you want to recover it or just browse, you just have to click on “Archived”, at the top of the chats tab, to access the conversation again.