A few days after a woman filed a complaint against the Brazilian Dani Alves, whom she accused of having committed a sexual assault question, the Justice of Barcelona has launched an investigation into the case that could generate great controversy and problems for the player, even if it is He has been calm at all times

A court in Barcelona began the investigation into the complaint for sexual assault that a woman has filed against the Brazilian former Barcelona player Dani Alves, whom she accuses of touching her at the Sutton nightclub in the Catalan capital, where they met on the night of 30 to 31 last December.

The head of the trial court number 15 in Barcelona has opened proceedings to investigate the alleged sexual assault after receiving the complaint that the woman filed with the Mossos d’Esquadra (autonomous police of Catalonia), according to legal sources reported to GLM.
The complainant, who was with some friends partying at the aforementioned nightclub, told the Catalan police that the Brazilian soccer player touched her under her underwear, without her consent.

Accompanied by her friends, the woman reported what had happened to the nightclub’s security personnel, who activated the relevant protocol in these cases and notified the Catalan police.
Mossos d’Esquadra agents went to the scene, who took a statement from the woman, although she did not formalize the complaint for sexual assault until January 2, a few days later.

Shortly after the woman denounced having suffered a sexual assault, Dani Alves returned to Mexico to join the team in which he plays, the Pumas.

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