Before and after Valentina Francavilla

Before and after Valentina Francavilla

Actress and presenter Valentina Francavilla who worked with Ratinho shares videos about her real body with her followers

Valentina Francavilla, former stage assistant on SBT’s “Programa do Ratinho”, shared a swimsuit video showing her real body with her followers. Born in Rome and naturalized Brazilian, the actress and presenter, who also took part in the reality show “A Fazenda” in 2022, said: “I want to show you how I really look. I look like this, exactly like this”.

In other posts, Valentina commented on the repercussions following the publication of the video:

“I’ve never been the weight I am. I’m at the weight I was when I was pregnant, which is 94 kg. The most I’ve ever weighed in my life was 60 kg. Just to give you an idea, on ‘Fazenda’ I was 54 kg. What I realized: the prejudice against fat people is so great, I’m living this reality and I’m seeing it. If you get fat, there’s something bad about it: you’re either depressed or sloppy. It’s always related to something bad.

“People tell you that you’re fat, you don’t seem to have much credibility, as if you weren’t a dedicated person. That’s what I feel. I’m feeling things on my skin that I’ve never felt before”.

In the comments to her post, she received support from her followers: “People really think that being beautiful means being thin, I think being beautiful means loving yourself the way you are”.

Take a look back at Valentina Francavilla’s work:

Valentina Francavilla participated in the reality show 'A Fazenda' in 2022

Valentina Francavilla participated in the reality show ‘A Fazenda’ in 2022

Valentina Francavilla with Ratinho when she was the presenter's stage assistant

Valentina Francavilla with Ratinho when she was the presenter’s stage assistant

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