According to the testimony of an alleged colleague of Eleazar Gómez, who replied to the program Suelta la sopa, the 34-year-old actor showed a bad attitude and enjoyed a different treatment from the rest of the inmates.

“He is a very despotic person, very rude and in fact yes very isolated from others. He did not eat food from the prison, he had his own cook,” the source told the show program.


He assured that during the four months that the actor remained inside the prison, he hardly spoke to anyone and that he remained in a special bedroom. “He slept in a separate cell, very separate. He did not speak to anyone, for a long time, nothing more than ‘What a wave, what was there’ and nothing more,” he recalled.

So far Eleazar Gómez has not given any statement to the media, however, after the reading of the sentence, Tefi Valenzuela assured that the actor plans to give a press conference in the coming days.

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