Regarding the possibility that he has another partner, Michelle replied: “Oh no, it breaks my heart! I hope she is aware of saying ‘I’m going to give her her grief so that she can overcome me’ and then start announcing his other relationships no, I mean, I take a hit on him huh”.
However, the soap opera protagonist later made it clear that despite how difficult this news may be for her, she will respect when Carrera has another partner.
“Ah no, whoever he feels, I think he will feel it, and if tomorrow he meets the love of his life, welcome.”
Tacher immediately tells her that she is the love of Danilo’s life, to which the actress replied: “Well, no because I’m not with him, it’s not me, she will find him and he will be very happy and I really say ‘I hope he takes care of my little heart’, but if you also find her, then don’t take care of him.”
To which Danilo added “I’m going to take care of him, don’t worry.”
Renaud ended the interview with a forceful statement, and when questioned about something she did not say to Danilo, she immediately commented: “what a fool you are! it seems to me that in this life there are things that one has to grasp the bull by the horns.”