The mortal remains of the former tennis player Manolo santana, who passed away on December 11, have been cremated in the strictest privacy. His wife Claudia Rodríguez has been devastated and only two of his five children, Barbara and Borja, have come to say goodbye.
For its part, Alba as a result of his marriage to the journalist Mila Ximénez, has not gone to the funeral home, although he did go to the burning chapel. Some heart media suggest that the young woman still has a recent death of her mother a few months ago and did not want to return to the place where she gave her the last goodbye.
The remains of the sportsman have been transferred from the Caja Mágica, where the wake took place, to the La Almudena cemetery to be cremated there. From there, following the tennis player’s wishes, they will head to Marbella where they will rest.
Although the relationship with the most mediatic of her daughters was not always very fluid, she acknowledged that having to say goodbye to him was “very difficult”, especially after such a recent loss.
“I can’t imagine being here again after coming 6 months ago when my mother left. I will remember him with great affection”, confessed.