This Friday, October 29, Rocío Carrasco will have to deliver her mother’s writings to the judge just a few weeks after ‘In the name of Rocío’ is released on Telecinco
The woman of Fidel Albiac will be obliged to deliver all documents to the court, and it will be the Justice that, after viewing them, decides if they can be broadcast in the second part of the Rocío Carrasco documentary or if, on the contrary, they should remain protected in family privacy.
It should be noted that the defense of the defendant managed on October 15 that this delivery be postponed, and the head of Court Number 5 of Alcobendas suspended the hearing scheduled for the delivery of documents, but finally the judge has determined that Gloria is “legitimized” to claim the same, so it will be this Friday when the protagonist must provide these writings.
The process follows its desired course for Gloria Camila and the family, who have been very concerned about the fact that Rocío Jurado’s memory and most intimate aspects would see the public light.
This represents a new setback for ‘In the name of Rocío’ and for the plans that ‘La Fábrica de la Tele’ has with the protagonist of the same, since it forces to paralyze, or at least to freeze all the material already recorded.
It should also be remembered that these writings and the supposed diary have been the theme that they have used to promote this second part of the documentary, mostly directed at Rociíto’s maternal family.