The actor and comedian, Eugenio Derbez, reacted to the death of actor Octavio Ocaña, who gave life to “Benito Rivers” in the series Neighbors. The actor died on the afternoon of last Friday, after he allegedly participated in a police chase and received some gunshot wounds, although at the moment there is no official version of what happened.
From his Instagram account, Eugenio mourned the death of the young actor, who was 22 years old at the time of his death. It must be remembered that the actor promoted Ocaña’s career when he was a child.
“Violence once again took one of our own from us. Octavio as a child, won the hearts of many Mexicans. I join all the voices demanding justice for him and his family. To his parents and sisters I send a fraternal hug. Rest in peace Benito,” he wrote.
Information in development.