Today is a very special day for David flores. He turns 23 without being able to fulfill his greatest wish: that the legal confrontations between his parents end, Rocío Carrasco and Antonio David, something unthinkable in these critical family moments.
Young David will be surrounded by almost all of his people, but, sure, he will continue to help his mother, who, possibly, does not congratulate him on his birthday, as it happened in years past.
Rociito is more concerned with making a profit by teaching his mother’s belongings in “Save me”, as happened this Tuesday, than worrying about what happens to her two children, Ro and Da.
Nor does he value his sister’s request, Gloria Camila, of sitting at the same table to discuss, and try to fix, the outrages between the two. They say that Carrasco has her sister blocked on her phone, that she does not want to talk to her.
In this sense, he has sent Gloria, Ortega Cano, Amador Mohedano, Rosa Benito, and, in a way, his own children into exile.
Although the remembered Rocío Jurado already expressed in life that the legacy contained in the eighteen containers should remain in the family or donated in part to the museum that will bear her name in her homeland, Chipiona, her daughter has skipped the bullfighter that extreme desire of her mother, which for her family is a complete betrayal.
That is why they did not appear this Tuesday in the paripe set up by “Save me” opening one of the containers. Rociito was alone in the absence of Los Mohedano and the Ortegas. Not even Tito Amador accepted the economic proposal of the program to join the tribute.