The canon of beauty today extols bodies with a healthy and toned appearance and in our country we have Cristina Pedroche as a source of inspiration to educate ourselves on the ins and outs of fitness : she is a firm defender that weight is not an important indicator to when it comes to measuring physical progress and shares which workouts work best not only to keep fit, but also to feel good mentally. The presenter is a great fan of running , yoga, practices functional exercise tables, lifts weights… A multidisciplinary approach that has the applause of the experts, who point to variety as the key to avoiding frustrations and favoring evolution . Thougheven Cristina has moments of weakness and has just revealed in her networks what is the reason that pushes her to move forward.
Cristina Pedroche’s motivation
When the Madrilenian has allowed her fans to ask her any question, “How do you have so much willpower to take care of yourself so much?” It has been one of those that he has answered. The best thing is that the celebrity ‘s response could help many to lead a more active lifestyle: “Because if I don’t take care of myself, who is going to take care of me? I choose to take care of myself both inside and out every day” Cristina explains about her 360º approach to well-being in which she practices both sports and meditation on a daily basis. The presenter adds that “that does not mean that I always do it motivated, sometimes I do it because I know what I have to do.”
So that they better understand her point of view, the woman from Madrid told them this anecdote: “They recently told me that I trained like someone who brushes their teeth every day . You don’t always feel like it, but you do it because you know it’s good for you. I I don’t even ask myself, I know I have to do it and I do it”. In addition to sharing her vision of her training, Cristina also answered the question if she recommends yoga to get a flat stomach and the answer is not what they expected.
The real benefits of yoga – Cristina Pedroche
Cristina Pedroche is so fond of yoga that she has even obtained the title of instructor, although she has a warning for those who begin to practice the discipline with the aim of marking abs: “I do not recommend doing yoga to notice a physical change. I recommend yoga to change you inside, to get to know yourself , to be better. That all these changes make it noticeable on the outside as well? Yes, but that is a consequence of a much bigger change”.