Apparently he The actress once accused Brad Pitt of coming to blows with his teenage son Maddox in an argument in 2016 on a private jet, something sources close to the actor denied at the time. Now this incident comes to light again since, according to the British tabloid ‘The Sun’, on March 12 Angelina Jolie presented court documents to “offer evidence and support” to a “testimony related to domestic violence.” Although Jolie did not indicate that this episode of domestic violence was related to her ex-husband. Apparently, the actress also offered “evidence” of her children, minors, who also testify at the trial.
After two years of marriage and 12 of relationship, Jolie filed for divorce from Brad in September 2016, citing irreconcilable differences. After the lawsuit was filed, it came to light that her former partner was allegedly involved in an incident with Maddox, her son, while he was on a private jet. But after a review, the FBI and Los Angeles County Brad was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will face each other in the next trial for the custody of your children and divide your estate. A divorce that is not being entirely pleasant for the couple, since the actor requests joint custody of the minor children, while his ex asks for sole custody. Now, these new “evidence” provided by the Hollywood actress against Pitt represent a new blow in her attempt to conciliate both parties.