That federal judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle of the Middle District of Florida annulled the federal mandate on the mandatory use of masks in the means of transportation in the United States, has already generated suspicion in the Democratic Government. This is an appeal filed by the Department of Justice for the measure to be activated again.

Contrary to what the court determined an excess of legal authority under the Public Health Services Act of 1944, the court insists that the masks “continue to be necessary.” But it is not an allegation of the Department of Justice, but of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that  made the request.

It should be remembered that the CDC has been the target of scrutiny throughout the duration of the pandemic since its director , Rochelle Walensky , has been characterized by her contradictory pronouncements. Such have been her mistakes that she even asked for media consulting to correct them.

Despite this, the Department of Justice is determined to continue, according to information that its spokesman Anthony Coley had advanced.

The resistance of the White House

Before the appeal marked a new inconsistency within the Biden government, US airlines celebrated with passengers the end of the mandatory use of masks. Alaska Airlines detailed that those who wish could still use them, but it is official that the imposition was left behind.

However, on the presidential plane things were different. Reporters traveling on Air Force One had to use it. “During transit on today’s trip, mask wearing will be required in accordance with CDC guidance,” a White House aide told reporters, according to Breitbart.

The question that remains, according to an Associated Press report , is whether the Biden administration would ask the appeals court to grant an emergency stay to immediately reimpose the mask mandate on public transportation. Which could also reverse the important decision of justice despite the fact that more than 77% of the population has at least one dose and more than 66% is fully vaccinated.

What Biden said and Psaki’s “disappointment”
But the contradictions come to the fore again. It was the US president himself, Joe Biden, who said that it is the users who must decide whether or not to wear masks in the country’s transportation system. “That’s up to them,” he said.

In contrast, press secretary Jen Psaki said such decisions “should not be made by courts, but by public health experts.” So the representatives of the Democratic government face another dilemma of many that today tarnish their management. For now, Psaki said she was “disappointed” by the court’s verdict.

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