Two members assigned to the National Police of Santa MartaMagdalena, were deprived of their liberty because they tried to extort five million pesos from three people, allegedly involved in an illegal activity, in exchange for not carrying out their capture.

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As confirmed by sources from the Attorney General of the Nation and the Military criminal justice the newspaper The weatherthe deputy Meyr Bold Attention Merlano and the patrol Eliana Alejandra Castellanos Benavides They arrested three people who apparently stole a motor pump.
Subsequently, they were allegedly transferred to CAI Los Almendros, in the capital of Magdalena, and there they were told that they could “skip the process” in exchange for payment of $5,000,000.

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The argument, which allegedly started out of jealousy, ended in serious injuries with a knife. The woman died immediately; while the subject, at the medical center
The prisoners then told them that they did not have that sum at the time, but that they would receive the money, so they left the uniformed officers with a motorbike they owned as collateral while they brought the money.
However, and according to the testimony of those involved, as soon as they left the CAI They went to report what had happened to another police unit, from where they notified the Attorney General of Military and Police Criminal Justiceresponsible for investigating this type of event, which is why the respective arrest warrants were issued.

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The young woman was interned in a juvenile detention center, while the other two accomplices were sent to prison
The captures were made effective under the command of the Metropolitan Police of Santa Marta on the night of February 11. The men in uniform were charged with the crimes of concussion, lying ideologically in a public document, defaultconcealment and alteration or destruction of physical evidence.
Similar events occurred in Bogotá, where in an operation carried out by the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation and the National Police, six police officers from that city were captured, accused of extorting civilians with bogus arrest warrants.
Four of the uniformed officers captured are assigned to the Engativá station and another belongs to the Chocó police.
The men in uniform are accused of joining a red criminal dedicated to fooling civilians, into thinking they had active arrest warrants. In order not to make them effective, the police demanded large sums of money.
The police officers captured were identified as Second Lieutenant Cristian Roberto Soto Álvarez and patrol officers Juan Pablo Durán Rodríguez, Daniel Andrés Causil Sierra, Carlos Eduardo Quinayas Franco, Edwin Javier Montes Castro and Daniel Leonardo Sánchez Díaz.
All men in uniform must answer in court for crime of kidnapping with extortion.
One of the cases for which the police are singled out was denounced Daniel Fernando Rey Ramirez there Aldemar Tellez Garcia, both merchants of agricultural products.
According to his version, uniformed agents arrived at his place of work indicating that he had a warrant for his arrest, and that, in order not to prosecute them, they had to give them between 10 and 50 million pesos.
Another of the events would have occurred, in a similar way, in May 2022 in the city of Engativá, west of Bogotá.
During capture operation Six cell phones were seized, from each of the uniformed officers, with which significant evidence could be obtained.
The Commander of the Metropolitan Police of Bogota, Carlos Triana, He claimed that the operation “was a counterintelligence job in which we identified cases of corruption of uniformed officers. We categorically reject acts of corruption within the police,” he said.
This same officer stated that the entity was working to identify the corruption cases in which the police are involved. “In this process, the victims must appear at the hearings for the presentation of evidence in order to obtain more details about the extortions,” he said.
Finally, the elements captured and recovered were left at the disposal of the competent authority, which, by a hearing, a judge of the Republic, will decide whether it is necessary to impose an intramural security measure on them in a prison and penitentiary center for crime of kidnapping with extortion worsen.
If found guilty, the six officers will face 26 to 42 years in prison. In addition, they will receive a fine of up to 6,000 monthly minimum wage in force, as stipulated in the penal code.