The Homeland of the Commons, the political party resulting from the Evita Movement, takes more volume and adds wills within the official social organizations and gathered in the Union of the Workers of the Popular Economy. On Saturday afternoon, and after a long meeting of the national table, We are standing quartersthe group led by Daniel Mendezjoined the new political space that will clash in the tumultuous Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primaries (PASO) of the Frente de Todos.
emilio persico, one of the referents of the Evita Movement, will be the president of the brand new political party that will officially launch on March 17 in an act at the San Lorenzo de Almagro stadium. The vice-president will be Menéndez. The information was confirmed to this media by the social reference itself.
The appointments have a particularity, both are civil servants of Alberto Fernandez since arriving at Casa Rosada on December 10, 2019. The first is the Secretary of Social Economy; the second, Undersecretary for Integration and Training Policies. Both areas are part of the organization chart of the Ministry of Social Development, responsible for Victory Toulouse Peace.

“We reached an agreement with the Evita movement to be part of the La Patria de los Comunes party. Emilio is going to be the president and I’m the vice president. We are a group of social organizations ready to move forward to oxygenate the Frente de Todos with this new space“said Menéndez GlobeLiveMedia. In the coming days, and before the launch of the “New Gasometer” party, they will sign a political declaration centered on the 40 years of reconquest of democracy in the country; the need to express a social program that they understand “is not represented” in the front in power; “to revalorize democracy as one of the most humble instruments to deal with an agenda of proposals which today are not resolved”; like the invoice”Ground, Roof and Work » which includes the universal basic wage and the free monotribute for those working in the popular economy.
The launch ceremony, from the stadium located on Francisco Fernández de la Cruz Avenue, between Perito Moreno and Varela, in the Flores district of Buenos Aires, promises to be massive. They have shown it in other mobilizations in favor of Alberto Fernández, for example when he was castigated by Kirchnerism or in the relaunch of his government after losing the last midterm elections.

So far, the party of official social movements does not support any pre-candidate for the presidency within the Frente de Todos. Although they have been the indispensable allies of Fernández, they view with suspicion the possibilities of re-election of the current head of state.
In any case, they would not hesitate to militate in their favor if Fernández was faced with the internal elections of the Frente de Todos Juan Grabois, the leader of the MTE and the Patria Grande Front; or the Minister of the Interior Edward “Wado” by Peter. The Kirchnerist head of the National Cabinet has not yet publicly expressed his desire to play PASO. Yes, Grabois did, who confirmed to this media that he will face Fernández or the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa if De Pedro decides not to participate.
“Today, we are at the origin of the development of an agenda of movements for fortify before all in general and we are waiting to see how the polling station called by Alberto Fernández evolves. It will be very important to analyze the future of the political table”, declares Menéndez who insists that “the unity of the Frente de Todos in the face of the opposition in the next elections cannot be lost” and “carry their own agenda with a dispute over territory”.

With the launch of La Patria de los Comunes, Evita and Somos Barrios de Pie, they have warmed up the official interior. As this newspaper has already reported, they decided to dispute the territory, on an equal footing, with the Peronist “barons of the suburbs”, such as Fernando Espinoza in La Matanza and seek the re-election of the mayor of Moreno and head of Evita, Mariel Fernández. They are also determined to fight at Tres de Febrero, with Daniel Menéndez himself as the candidate.
In this struggle for power, they will come up against the Kirchnerist La Cámpora group, led by the deputy Maxim Kirchner“Wado” by Pedro and Andres “Cuervo” Larroque, the governor’s minister Axel Kicillof. They will also have to forge neighborhood alliances, or confront popular movements with which they tend to walk in the same direction, such as the classist and combative Current, led by national deputy Juan Carlos Alderete, also the highest expression of the Labor Party. and popular. (PTP). . It is quite possible that the CCC will accompany La Patria de los Comunes to La Matanza. There, the one designated to face Espinoza is the provincial deputy Patricia Coveredthe Persian couple.

The attention of the brand new party of social movements will also be on San Martín, where the current Minister of Public Works was mayor Gabriel Katopodis. There, the candidate is the national deputy Leonard Grosso. Other bets, but not the only ones, will be Partido de la Costa, Lanús and Vicente López.
According Honored Guildnational reference of Evita and trade union secretary of the Unión Trabajadores de la Economía Popular (UTEP), “the name of the political party expresses the ideas and interests of the humble men and women of Argentina who dream of building, from below and from the periphery to the center, a country with land, a roof and work for all”, and recalls that the launch of the political party on March 17 will be done “in collaboration with political, social, trade union, feminist and student organizations with whom we are building this path”.
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