The Association of Magistrates and Officers of National Justice (AMFJN) has expressed its concern at the Death threats received in the past few hours from Santa Fe judges and prosecutors who have drug trafficking cases and have demanded that local and state governments guarantee their safety.
“We strongly urge the national and provincial authorities to adopt all appropriate measures, not only to prevent any episode that could become unfortunate and which derives from the international responsibility of the Argentine State, but also to stop them immediately, identifying their possible authors so that the corresponding courts determine their possible criminal responsibilities”, declared the president of the AMFJN in a press release, Marcelo Gallo Tagleand the general secretary Marcelo Peluzzi.
The event that generated the alert occurred Thursday night when Santa Fe Provincial Senator Lysander Henry received a death threat that included Federal Judge Venado Tuerto, Aurelio Cuello Muruato the federal prosecutor of the same locality, Javier Arzubi Calvoto the public prosecutor (MPA) Cucumber Suzanne and the mayor of Venado Tuerto, Leonel Chiarella.
“Hello sir, I’ve already warned everyone to stop putting innocent people in jail. There will be bullets for everyone. I told him. It’s up to Chiarella, prosecutor Pepino and Enrico. And also for the judge of the Federal Court, Cuello Murúa and the Arzubi. They are all in the bag, they are all corrupt. Tell him to stop deceiving people. There will be bullets and grenades for everyone He who warns does not betray,” said the threat from a feature phone in the town of Trelew, Chubut, which has already been sued.
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The event took place in a climate of violence linked to drug trafficking that the city of Rosario has been experiencing for several years and in which this week the governor of the province, Omar Perottichanged the Minister of Security.
“The Association of Magistrates and Officials of National Justice emphasizes with deep concern the recurring acts of intimidation of which the magistrates of the province of Santa Fe are victims,” added the entity.
In a dialogue with GlobeLiveMedia, Gallo Tagle underlined that “situations of death threats cannot go unpunished, a judge cannot exercise his functions under imminent threat of death and without protection of his physical integrity”. “It is worrying that the threats are coming from penal institutions and so far it does not appear that they are taking any action in this regard,” added.
“The executive branch, both national and provincial, must take action on the matter and give guarantees that it will ensure the integrity of all judges, prosecutors and justice officials who have been threatened. We must defend institutional respect to protect the rights of citizens, condemn the crimes committed and stop the advance of criminal organizations”, affirmed the head of the AMFJN.

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The three groups that bring together judges, prosecutors and official defenders have repudiated the act and expressed their solidarity in the face of threats. There Bordó list stated that “the criminal machinery that has permeated, sprouted and branched in the province of Santa Fe demonstrates with singular clarity that we are moving, abruptly and unrestrained, towards the dire situation that has plagued the sister regions of Central America and conditioned general well-being”. “Santa Fe has an honest national justice system and public prosecutors committed to their constitutional role; but for this to be exercised effectively, the administrative powers must create adequate conditions for its execution,” he added.
For its part, the Celestial list indicated that the threats “constitute inadmissible and abusive attacks on the rule of law” and urged “urgently and without delay that the competent national, provincial and municipal authorities guarantee the protection and security of all, in order to avoid in a way effective and definitive the repetition of these unfortunate episodes which have become a habitual practice”.
“We will not rest until the competent authorities have adopted the necessary protective measures for colleagues who suffer threats – typical of the mafias that try to intimidate us – or constraints of any kind, which prevent them to work with spiritual tranquility and physical protection,” he said. also said. “Legal Compromise”. And he added that “our security and our independence are non-negotiable and must be guaranteed urgently, because it depends on our ability to make judicial decisions freely, free from any pressure”.
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