In recent weeks, an increase in the dengue fever infection curve has been reported nationwide, compared to previous years. According to data provided by the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Disease Control of the Ministry of Health (Minsa)until February 10, a total of 10 thousand 238 cases, between confirmed and probable.

100% of hospitals are in a situation of inadequacy in 15 regions of Peru
In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the infrastructure deficit in the health sector has widened.
Besides, 141 people had to be hospitalizeds due to complications with his health and unfortunately 15 people lost their lives.
This is why the health organization has issued a epidemiological alert in order to alert the teams of the regional and local administration, as well as the Diresa, Geresa, Sisa, Diris, the networks, the health micro-networks and the health personnel of private health establishments to adopt prevention, control and comprehensive response measures to this increase in infections.

The Juliaca municipal chamber ceased to function just before the bloody crackdown that left 17 dead in January
The remote monitoring service of the Provincial Municipality of San Román, in Juliaca, has reported that the equipment is inoperative, creating a gap in the investigations of the Public Ministry
increase in cases
The Minsa indicated that there is a Increase of 73.64% compared to the same period in 2022 where 5332 cases and 13 deaths have been recorded. Similarly, of the total reported cases, 11.2% (1040) correspond to dengue fever with warning signs and 0.4% (38) to severe dengue fever.

Alejandra Molina, the Peruvian entrepreneur who gave the bell to the New York Stock Exchange and seeks to empower women in Peru
The international trade professional has a language startup that has secured funding from Google. One of its objectives is to expand and promote education and health in Peru from adolescence.
The entity also clarified that from the year 2022, the most affected age groups are adolescents, children and young peoplereaching the highest incidence rates this year: adolescents (37.96 per 100,000 inhabitants), children (31.67 per 100,000 inhabitants) and young people (30.6 per 100,000 inhabitants).

The regions with more cases reported These are mainly those of the jungle and the north of the country:
– Ucayali: 1,855 cases
– Loreto: 1,771 cases
– Mother of God: 1,311 cases
– Piura: 1,097 cases
– Saint-Martin: 939 cases
– Amazon: 762 cases
– Huánuco: 727 cases.
Similarly, regions that reported hospitalized son:
Ucayali, Loreto, San Martin and Piura.

During this time, the deceased have been reported in the following areas:
– Three deaths in Ucayali
– Three dead in San Martín
– Two deaths in Madre de Dios
– Two deceased in Loreto
– Two deaths in Junín
– A deceased in Huánuco
– A deceased in Cusco
– A deceased in Amazonas
In Ucayali, health authorities took advantage of the success of Shakira’s latest song to use it in the dengue fever prevention campaign in Ucayali. “He’s got a good mosquito name, he’s clearly got dengue on the inside,” we hear in the chorus of the song that’s gone viral on social media.

during this time at Junin, The Chanchamayo Health Network reported that on February 15 from 07:30 to 12:00 the collection and elimination of mosquito breeding sites in the sectors Juan Velazco, I, II and III Meseta, San Jacinto, Villa María, Isaías Aldoradin, Santa Lidia, Santa Ana, 6 de Agosto and Santa Rosa in Perené.
In the neighborhood of Villa María del Triunfo in Limathe South Lima Diris performed a epidemiological site in the Tablada de Lurín region, where a case of dengue has been confirmed. 13 brigades have been deployed to carry out surveillance, control and prevention actions within a perimeter of up to 400 meters from the affected area.