representatives of the breeding committees Colombia informed Brigadier General Tito Yesid Castellanos, national chief of the national police, the serious situation of insecure which afflicts the sector with the great affects that crime has on economic activity.

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This, knowing that in 2022 the flight of 1,350 head of cattle in 265 cases of theft and so far in 2023, 322 cattle have already been stolen in 88 cases.
At the meeting, which was attended by members of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Federation of Cattle Breeders (Fedegán) The brigadier general was exposed to the critical situation of insecurity.

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Farmers submitted various complaints, which were collected by Breeding background. Manuel Fajardoof the Boyacá Livestock Committee, drew attention to the increase in thefts of equipment used in specialized dairy farms (canteens, pumps, milking equipment and others), a phenomenon that has increased in this department.
The Executive Director of the Society of Farmers and Cattle Breeders of Nariño (Sagán), Jose Luis Bernal, reference smuggling of cattle standing on the border with Ecuadorthe operation of clandestine slaughterhouses of cattle that affect the formal plants of the region. He also denounced the invasion of farms in the region of sacrifice of this department.

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Bernal assured that the breeders of Narino They are currently investing in a communication network to listen to alarms and thus prevent various criminal events.
The President of the Fonseca Cattle Breeders Committee (La Guajira), fadric cornersHe said they are overwhelmed by the carnage and believe they are delinquents arriving from Venezuela.
“Eight days ago, on a farmer’s farm, a cow was skinned, a suspect surrendered to the police, but it is not known what happened to this person. We ask the police, the central command, to continue expanding the radius of action in the Serranía del Perijá,” he noted.
For his part, the executive president of Fedegán, Jose Felix Lafauriestressed that breeders must have the support of the National Police. Relations with this public force must be permanent to put an end to these crimes.
“Multi-criminality affects the livestock activity in a worrying and uninterrupted way, which is why it is necessary to strengthen the relationship and cooperation between all the agents involved in the dynamics of the country’s cattle breeding sector with the Police National. If there are early warnings, I am sure the police reaction is immediate, which will be positive for the livestock,” he stressed.
He said he will encourage a similar meeting for the country’s livestock both with the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) as with the Attorney General of the Nation.
The National Chief of the Gendarmerie, Tito Yesid Castellanosindicated that the institution seized 94,611 cattle in 2022 and that to date in 2023, 9,400 have been seized, i.e. a volume equivalent to 10% of the 2022 figure.
He also pointed out that the most affected departments are Goal, Cesar, Sucre and Boyacáin their respective order.
Castellanos noted that the national police were carrying out judicial police activities in Putumayo, Casanare and Quindío, but he assures that the crimes were mobilized in the Tolima.
“The institution launched the strategy of motorized police to fight precisely against the criminal phenomena that affect livestock throughout Colombian territory. Situations such as chapeo and rebranding in cattle occur and should be avoided. The criminal actions that have occurred in each region are taken into account and work is being done to better articulate the relationship with breeders and rural producers,” he stressed.
Castellanos said the flow of information and intelligence in the region depends on the support of ranchers.