Weather forecasts, based on observation and mathematical modelshelp predict the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place from records such as temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation or wind.
Weather forecasts are practices practiced for hundreds of years, even before the Christian era, based essentially on the observation of the configuration of the clouds, the wind, the time of the year, although initially these they were inaccurate.
It was only with the advent of new technologies (such as computers) that mathematical models began to be implemented, which made it possible to make more accurate predictions, becoming a fundamental factor for the transport (land, sea or air), agriculture, tourism, disaster prevention, public health and even military operationsbeyond deciding whether or not to carry an umbrella or whatever outfit become.
Below is the weather forecast for the next few hours in Cali:
This Saturday’s weather in Cali will reach 32 degrees, while the minimum temperature it will be 22 degrees. The expected UV index is 5.
As for the rain the probability of precipitation for the said city it will be 83%, with a cloudiness of 91%, during the day; and 98%, with 96% cloudiness, throughout the night.
During this time, wind gusts will reach 20 kilometers per hour during the day and 15 kilometers per hour at night.
What’s the weather like in Cali?
Being located north of the Valle de Cauca, Cali has a mainly tropical climate, characterized by being hot and dry..
In Cali, the mean temperature It is 24 degrees Celsius, according to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM).
During the day, the Maximum temperature It fluctuates between 30 and 31 degrees Celsius. While in the minimum temperature it drops at dawn to 19 and 20 degrees Celsius.
Cali is characterized by having constant rains throughout the year, being two seasons in which precipitation is more abundant.
The first is from March to May and the second from October to December, with April and November being the rainiest months.

The weather in Colombia is very variedhe the climate is altered due to its geographical complexity just like the coasts of the Caribbean Sea in the north, the current of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the mountain ranges that cross it from the center from north to south.
According to IDEAM there are at least four types of weather in the country: tropical high mountain, dry, temperate and cold.
In the case of tropical climatesfour subtypes are identified: rainy or equatorial jungle, rainy or monsoon forest, dry winter savannah and dry summer savannah.
He tropical rainforest or equatorial It covers areas such as the central and northern Amazon, the entire Pacific region, parts of Antioquia, western Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca, the Catatumbo region and the foothills of the Amazon. During this time he rainforest or monsoon it reaches the foothills of the plains and the extreme south of the Caribbean region.
There savannah with dry winter includes most of the Caribbean and Orinoco region, as well as the lower sectors of Santander and Antioquia. In reference to savannah with dry summer. It adds the inter-Andean valleys of Tolima, Huila, Valle, Cauca and Nariño.
For him dry climatein Colombia on very hot arid or desert and very hot semi-arid or steppe. The first is perceived in the upper part of the Guajira and the second in the middle and lower zone of the same department plus sectors of the Caribbean coast.
He mild climate it is felt in the middle and lower areas of the three mountain ranges of the Colombian country; During this time he high mountain coldas the name suggests, in the upper levels of the three mountain ranges.