Campaigns aimed at increasing sales are the ones that absorb the largest budget, with 29.3% followed by leads, with 25.6%, according to Metricool’s II Facebook Ads Study.

The data speaks. Facebook campaigns that seek to increase the reach of the account and get interactions on publications are the favorites with 41.7%. This figure is striking, since even though it is the most used, it is the one in which the least budget is invested: an average of $89.78 compared to $955.70 for sales campaigns.

Despite this high percentage of use, it does not differ much from traffic campaigns, which are the second most used with 32.1%. In last place, with 0.2%, are campaigns aimed at promoting applications.

The data are extracted from the II Facebook Ads Study with which Metricool, a tool for managing social networks, aims to answer the main questions that social media, brands or companies ask themselves when using Facebook advertising: What type of ad campaigns are cheaper? How important are traffic ads? In which ones is a greater investment made?

Metricool’s study is based on the analysis of nearly 500,000 campaigns corresponding to 29,137 advertising accounts. Among the main conclusions, it stands out that the types of ads with the highest average budget invested per campaign correspond to those promoting an application, with $1,897.95, despite being the one with the lowest usage, with 0.2%.

Sales campaigns are the ones with the highest investment

Likewise, campaigns aimed at selling are the ones that spend the largest budget, with 29.3%, and in second place are those aimed at leads, with 25.6%. The average investment for sales campaigns is $955.70 and $731.06 for lead campaigns.

In conclusion, these are the campaigns that monopolize most of the budget dedicated to advertising on Facebook Ads, because they are the types of ads that have a more direct ROI (return on investment) and focused on business performance.

Profitability, another of the aspects that most concern social media, leaves interesting results: the most profitable campaigns per 1000 impressions are those for brand recognition, while the most expensive are those for sales and obtaining leads. It is a blunt fact, but at the same time real: in this type of campaign you pay for each customer who leaves their data, which increases the cost of the ads.

The average CPC (cost per click) per campaign, without going into the different objectives, is $0.085. This is a generic figure, but if one assesses which of the advertising objectives has the highest CPC, this is leads at $0.20 per click. This is followed by sales ad campaigns at $0.13 per click.

Increasing sales and traffic ads

Comparing the results obtained in this Facebook Ads study with the report conducted by Metricool in 2018, conclusions are drawn about the direction that brands and social media professionals are taking.

Campaigns related to business performance are growing. In the 2018 study, the star target type was the promotion of publications, to gain followers or get more video views; nowadays advertisers are investing more in campaigns related to business performance: such as sales, new user acquisition and traffic.

Price variation. Facebook Ads have experienced a growth in terms of cost per campaign. This has increased, as $258.23 is dedicated to each campaign and 206,543.3 impressions are obtained while in 2018 the average per campaign was $7.86 and the result was 7,777 impressions.

CPC (cost per click) has increased overall by 60%. However, the average CPM (cost per thousand impressions) has dropped in 2023: $1.26 per campaign in 2018 to $1.25 today, resulting in a drop of 0.79%.

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