During this winter season, there are those who radically modify their diet to face the cold. How necessary and advisable is it to do so?
During the winter, due to the low temperatures, it is normal for many to modify their eating habits, leaving aside the cold dishes that are very characteristic of summer to consume foods that are slightly richer in calories.
It is also true that many experience a series of cravings for those “forbidden” foods, such as chocolate, bread, creamy foods, which also leads to gaining a few extra kilos during the winter season.
Some justify that this consumption of foods with more calories is necessary for our body to function perfectly and stay at the right temperature during the cold season. But how true is this theory?
Elena Pérez Monterio, who is a nutritionist at the Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, indicated that during the winter, in order for the body to maintain its body temperature, we should consume more calories.
However, this basically does not apply to our times, since we do not stay outside for long periods of time, suffering the ravages of low temperatures, as our ancestors did. It is only recommended for those who do carry out prolonged work outdoors.
The nutritionist indicates that currently, most people, during the winter, stay indoors with heating, which helps control temperatures, so it is not necessary to eat more or consume products with a large amount of caloric intake. .
What does need to be increased in our diet during the winter?
Monteiro indicated that what does need to be changed during this time of year in our diet is the increase in the consumption of products that have vitamin D, the same that we find in winter vegetables, which we recognize by their bright colors.
You can also consume more broths or soups made from vegetables, which will give that feeling of comfort in regulating the temperature for those who consume them.