At the peak where we currently stand, it would not be strange to say that The last of us it’s on HBO. And I’m not just talking about the numbers you have reached the series on the streaming platform, but to the incredible reviews that each of its chapters receives. But; What marketing mechanisms have driven production so far? If you are interested in finding an answer to this question, I encourage you to keep reading.

We live in the age of advertising and influence; a temporary stage where it’s very rare for anything to succeed without a series of marketing mechanisms that work behind the scenes and make a product transcend and fit into a resoundingly successful culture. Also; That’s what it’s about the conference that PlayStation Spain organizes with Voxel School. I’ll leave you with all the details below in case you want to attend.

When and where is this conference on The Last of Us taking place?

What is this event on The Last of Us?

  • The name of the conference will be ”The world of The last of us: how a successful series is made; from marketing to influencing culture”
  • Speakers will be Leonardo Zuppiroli, Senior Marketing Manager and Market Liaison Americas of PlayStation
  • Both will talk about the strategies of marketing the success of video games and series and their relationships
  • After the conference in question, there will be 3 round tables that you can attend (but only in person):
    • Mesa 1. Cross Marketing. The keys to the video game marketing sector;
    • Table 2. The visual effects of the series. The invisible part of production, how VFX have changed the basic approach of audiovisual productions.

Considering the scale of the series, it’s likely that I’ll end up going. What do you think of this day?

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