Transatlantic is a new Netflix mini-series based on true events. This production tells the story of Varian Fry and many others involved in rescuing refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. Transatlantic, slipped into the biggest hits on the platform, and its finale left a good taste in the mouths of the public., giving rise to a possible second installment. We review the keys to the latest episodes, so you don’t miss any details of what happened.
Do Thomas and Varian end up together at the end of Transatlantic?
Although Varian is married, Thomas asks her to leave his wife and run away with him. Varian decides that his work helping refugees is more important and returns to New York. Varian obviously had feelings for Thomas, but he put his job first. Fortunately, he manages to escape from France, safe and sound, with the Chagalls.
Do Mary Jayne and Albert manage to escape?
When it is revealed that Mary Jayne is involved in the transfer of refugees, she has no choice but to leave France. While there, she had developed feelings for Albert, but he had to save Paul before he could leave. While Albert fulfills his mission, she obtains passports and a plane to leave the country.
Unfortunately, Albert fails to get to the airport in time and has to help the resistance in France, so this romantic story doesn’t have a happy ending either. I don’t know what else happened to Albert, but at least we have certainty that Mary Jayne manages to return to her home country and live a quiet life away from war.
Paul dies?
Paul is another link in the relief network and is also involved in resistance operations in France. Eventually, the authorities discover him and imprison him in Fort San Nicolás. Fortunately, his younger brother, Hans, Lisa, Albert and other rebels join him to save him., using a hidden cache of British weapons. Paul is freed, but all does not end well for him, as his brother dies after being shot. After burying him, Paul continues to work in the resistance with Albert.
What about Graham Patterson?
Graham does not achieve his goal. Although he reports Paul and Hans to the authorities, the rebels are freed and manage to escape. Graham also informs Commissioner Frot that Varian has stolen a car and left Marseille, intending to get them to chase him. Despite this, the policeman refuses, saying that it is already outside his jurisdiction and there is nothing he can do about it.