NEW JERSEY — A tornado warning in February sparked questions from New Jersey weather watchers on Tuesday due to the rarity of tornadoes during the winter month.
The last time New Jersey recorded a tornado in February was on February 12, 1999, according to the New Jersey State Office of the Climatologist. No injuries were reported, but the F1 tornado caused approximately $100,000 in damage in Camden. It was one of four tornadoes reported in the state since 1950.
On February 2, 1973, three tornadoes caused minor damage in Hunterdon, New Jersey.
Is possible that haya habit más tornados en febrero en el pasado, pero debido a “une aparente correlation entre la densidad de población y la ubication de los informe de tormentas”, es possible que no haya habido informe de tornados en áreas menos pobladas, señalaron authorities.