If a member of the Florida Senate from Broward County passes, dogs will no longer be able to stick their heads out of cars while their owners are driving, as it will be an illegal activity.

Democratic state Senator Lauren Book of Plantation recently introduced Senate Bill 932, which prohibits dogs from hanging their heads out of windows and into the driver’s lap while the car is in motion.

The bill would also make it illegal to transport dogs in an enclosed trunk or cargo space.

Dogs should also be restrained in a crate appropriate to their size when in a vehicle, restrained with a seat belt or under the control of someone other than the driver.

Dogs transported on the open bed of a truck should be placed in a kennel suitable for their space, not exposed to the weather and out of direct sunlight.

Violators will receive a possible ticket, but the charges will not be considered a traffic violation.

The bill would also ban the practice of declawing cats, which is punishable by a $1,000 fine and a possible ban on owning cats.

Another law would ban cosmetic testing on animals for any item intended for humans.

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