Today we bring you a compilation of the best free games for the Switch updated to 2023

Nintendo Switch has a very complete catalog of games. The Nintendo console has been a hit since it hit the market in 2017 and that caused it to receive a large number of games. In this catalog there is a large number of titles that can be played completely for freethat is to say without cheating, without spending a single euro.

Here you will find a small list of Nintendo Switch games you can play for free and a brief overview of each of them:

fall guys

The popular platform game of 2020 has arrived for free on various platforms in 2022. It has several game modes where the last survivors will be victorious. You can play alone or with your friends, your goal is to survive to the last level and get the crown. Mix obstacle courses with platformers, mini-games, football, basketball, and more. The games are fast but intense, you are surely having a good time and if you are better accompanied.


The video game released in 2017 is still one of the most played on all platforms, it is a battle royale shooter in which you will have to be the last survivor of 100 players. Play alone, with a partner or with a team. There is also a competitive mode and other game modes like mini games, 50 vs 50 battle among other things. This year comes Creative 2.0 where the community creates maps with endless possibilities, with excellent graphics thanks to the Unreal Engine and you can also earn money with it.

pokemon unite

The Pokémon franchise releases several games every year, in 2021 it released a game for various platforms, such as mobile and Switch. Although the game has dwindled in player count, it remains stable as more playable pokemon are released and the gameplay and maps improve. It’s similar to League Of Legends, two teams compete in different lanes/lanes and have to advance by defeating monsters, players and scoring points in the rival base.

Apex Legends

This futuristic shooter is full of adrenaline, contains various playable maps and characters, as well as various game modes. moment which prevents boredom.

bomber online

This classic adapts to the console in an exceptional way, bringing us very fun and nostalgic modes, although with a fresh and modern touch. As its own name suggests, we will be playing online against other players. His catalog of characters is very wide. Play it with friends, you won’t regret it.


This third-person shooter, which can be played solo or in multiplayer, has a lot of content, whether missions, objectives or game modes. It is one of the most successful on this platform .

fallout shelter

Fallout is a mythical game, this adaptation for Switch brings us the essentials of the game. We will manage an underground shelter there because there is radiation outside. It is a survival game where we have to protect the survivors and improve the shelter. There is an interaction between the characters, the management of the state of the community is very important, you have to take care of their problems and interests. It is a very entertaining game on which you will spend many hours.

rocket league

Rocket League is a game that combines motorsport with the king of sports, a football game with vehicles where you can compete in a field inside a cage in different game modes, alone or with a partner . This game was paid at first, but in 2020 it was released for free, which skyrocketed the number of users who played this title. Rocket League Analysis

Other Free Nintendo Switch Games That Might Be Interesting

*This is the complete list of Nintendo Switch games that can be played totally free in 2023

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