The next April 24 It is not the International Day of Rape and it would be macabre to think that there is a day dedicated to promoting this type of act. However, in recent days it has spread into the TikTok social network a dangerous hoax that invites men to go out and rape as many women as possible. A controversial aberration that has already obtained response from the National Police.
The CNP has published a video on its social networks in which it deals with settle this hoax e invites users to report all content that is dangerous. In response to a user who wanted to know the opinion of the Police about the alleged event of April 24, a spokeswoman for the body explains that, “Of course, it is not the international day of rape”. In the video, the agent adds that they have no record “that that day no group of men will go out to rape or assault women.”
This hoax is especially delicate, but it is not the only one. “Inappropriate content is often shared on social networks that it is very far from reality and that it also instills terror in us and can even paralyze our daily lives ”, recalls the Police.
Where does this hoax come from?
Some users warn that the challenge was devised by six Americans, but the initial source has not yet been located. In fact, from TikTok they explain that “we have not found evidence on our platform of any video related to this topic. Our security team remains vigilant and we will remove content that violates our policies. “
The hoax has splashed directly into the social network, which ensures that it wants to “keep our community safe”, so will not tolerate “content that promotes or glorifies non-consensual sexual acts, including rape and sexual assault.”. The story has spread on networks through the hashtag # april24th2021, which already has 17 million views on TikTok.