In the music industry, like almost any other, inequality is the order of the day. It’s a reality that artists have to prove themselves way above their peers and what’s more, it costs them twice as much to achieve more or less similar results. Only 35% of women occupy the tops of the main streaming platforms. This is not the only hole that singers who are part of the “made in Spain” scene must avoid. Every day, they have to make a titanic effort to find their way in a world where work-life balance can be a real problem, to the point of having to give up their career. In a world where the passage of time can fall like a heavy stone, without forgetting that part of the public (hello, haters) is determined to point their finger at them and compare them as if they were supermarket products.
The good side of this whole story is that this disrupted industry also has strong personalities who have put themselves forward and have become real references for these new generations who arrive strong and who need stars with whom to identify. . Emerging and established singers, independent or supported by a record company, who, through their songs and their actions, are the representatives of a wave that claims the power of women in music. This is why this year, for International Women’s Day, we wanted to give the floor to some of these interpreters so that they could share with the Internet users of their concerns, their desires and their points of view on some issues that we should talk about more often. Their names? Samurai, Natalia Lacunza, Chanel, Belén Aguilera, Edurne and Nena Daconte.
“Empowerment is a punch on the table, it’s startling misogyny. It’s picking up and saying: ‘hello? I can too, of course I can”. Soon I will be lecturing as a songwriter because there are very few women in the industry. We are only 3% in terms of producers, 17% in terms of composers and 35% in terms of women who are in the tops. And I want to say that we are much cooler. We aunts are cool and every time we show something, we show it well, we don’t do things by halves. It’s true that in my case I keep thinking a lot about being empowered, I don’t understand. But I consider myself powerful enough just to want to be the queen of rock in Spain. I, who am still small, am a source of inspiration for others. Imagine when people grow up, it freaks me out.”
Samurai fear the 8M / LOS40
Samuraï is one of the new sensations of alternative rock and pop. With references like Paramore and Dover, the singer builds a solid work very well received by the public thanks to songs like shoot bullets oh From puddle to puddle. Aerial shot is his new single and cover letter for his upcoming EP.
“As a Gen Z female artist, I am very happy that we are slowly dismantling the structures and boundaries within the mainstream of our country.; our voices are getting louder, even though fear is often a paralyzing factor. I want to emphasize the importance of the environment that accompanies these courageous and talented women who express themselves and live in such a way that others can feel comfortable doing the same, which, we hopefully, will happen in the future; that none of us has to question its authenticity, its value, its beauty, its talent. On a day like today and every day of the year, I celebrate and accompany how I feel celebrated and accompanied by all the women who want to build and leave a better place for new generations, as our predecessors have done. done with us. I send a message to all people who have not yet realized what for others is obvious and painful. I invite you to open your eyes and reach out to us”.

Natalia Lacunza for the 8M / LOS40
Natalia Lacunza has become the voice of a generation with a project that perfectly defines her musical tastes and artistic abilities. He has a well-defined repertoire, with themes that are already part of the collective imagination. Last year he released his first full album, it must be for meand now she’s immersed in what will be her new record job.
“There is a constant comparison and demand between women who become ill. It doesn’t happen between men. Two male artists can dress the same, sing the same, do the same music video and no one will compare them. On the other hand, if two women agree on something, the “ox shooter” arises. You have to be aware that it happens, to be able to change it because when I see that we compare one artist to another, it seems to me an injustice. I regret that it is not valued through the filter of admiration and that absolutely everything is questioned, in constant comparison. Especially when women shine. It’s unfair, but we are becoming more and more aware of it.

Chanel for 8M / LOS40
To date, Chanel is one of the artists with the greatest projection within the artistic career of Sony Music Spain. The Benidorm Fest and its unforgettable song Slow motion they opened the doors of the Spanish music scene to her and this year she promises to establish herself as a pop diva with the release of her first album.
“It took me a long time to break into the industry. It continues to cost me and everyone else dearly. It looks like there can’t be any similar products because they are labeled as identical. Instead in men, How many do the exact same thing and have the same hole without hateful comparisons? Well, the absolute majority. I have the impression that as a woman you have to constantly reinvent yourself and innovate and, it is obvious, that the law of effort and sacrifice is infinitely greater for women. I learned that we don’t all have the same opportunities, that meritocracy doesn’t exist, that I really believe in what I do and that I am very proud of myself in all my stages. I also learned that rewards aren’t always earned, but the harder you work, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. I learned to surround myself and get rid of people and scenes even if it still hurts”.

Belen Aguilera for the 8M / LOS40
After working hard and experimenting in different areas of pop, Belén Aguilera has positioned herself as one of the reference pop artists. songs like Chameleon there Antagonist so they back it up. Today, he enjoys other successes with the first extracts from his next EP: Copiloto y Galgo.
“The industry is still unfair to women, but a long time ago it was even more unfair. Now it seems that things are slowly starting to change, but there is still a long way to go. When I started I took a break because I needed to oxygenate everything and find the path I wanted to take at that time, even if there were a lot of things that demotivated me, but i kept fighting for what i wanted to do. In this sense, something that I have not lost over the years is the illusion, it is true that the first single, the first album and the first concert are unique and special moments that I do not won’t forget in life, but I feel lucky to have enjoyed it all and to continue to enjoy it with the same enthusiasm as when I started”.

Edurne for 8M / LOS40
Although many still associate it with the program Operation Triumph or its role in the program To have talentEdurne is a clear example of effort and knowing how to stay in the industry. Behind him he has seven studio albums. At the moment, the singer is involved in a new musical era with which she wants to return to the sounds of her beginnings. thousand reasons there strawberries and champagne They are part of this stage that is beginning for her.
“Reconciling being a woman and an artist is quite difficult. Especially since in our world, in our work, we have to travel a lot. So either you organize yourself well and you have something set up at home with grandparents or with someone who is like a very constant helper, or you can’t work. When I retired, those five years were the years when I had babies, when I had my children who were small. I spent the whole day with them. Now, if they get bad, the one who has to organize the whole story a bit is me. For example, to be able to be interviewed, I have to leave someone with the child because I have a bad feeling at home. It’s quite difficult to reconcile, but it’s a realityd”.

Babe Daconte for the 8M / LOS40
Nena Daconte’s career has been on and off, but everyone remembers those essentials that were I lost my shoes, remains of a carnival there A fly on the glass. Today, after being away from music for a few years due to stage fright depression, Mai Meneses is reborn musically and professionally with Almost perfecthis new album.