Now that little by little the news of his goodbye is assimilating, it is beginning to be known that Vicente Fernandez was not only successful on stage, he also managed to create, together with his children, a consortium in which they are dedicated to the production and sale of tequila, avocado, alcoholic beverages, key rings, perfumes and fragrances.

They are also known to have companies dedicated to organizing music shows, real estate developments, and technology. In accordance with Forbes Mexico, Mr. Vicente created 33 companies with which he was able to commercialize the typical souvenirs tour officials and other products.

It all started in 2003, when the musician registered the trademark Vicente Fernandez and began the manufacture and sale of clothing, footwear, hats, perfumes, fragrances, tequila, paper, cardboard, printing characters, printing clichés, printed material, magazines, portraits and calendars.

But that was not all, when realizing his success in these areas, he decided to offer entertainment services and partnered with entertainers, educational, sports and cultural activities. He also decided to create the VFG brand, through which he manufactures and markets various products.

They include key chains, tequila, bags, wallets, purses, hand letters, luggage items, transport bag, paper, cardboard, printed products, clothing, footwear, hats and offer advertising services, business management and administration. commercial.

Another of its brands is Chente Fernández, that offers services of musical performances, oversee the organization of concerts and services of artists. While with the seal Don Vicente, alcoholic beverages and tequila are manufactured.

Alejandra Fernández talks about her father’s cause of death

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