Succession is a black comedy or drama television series produced by HBO and created by Jesse Armstrong. The series follows the life of the Roy family, a wealthy family at the head of a large media company, focusing on the struggle for power within the family and the company, while showing how ambition and rivalry can lead to self-destruction, regardless of family ties or feelings. .
Since its creation in 2018, Succession has been acclaimed by critics and fans of the series, being Nominated for numerous awards including Emmy, Golden Globe and SAG Awards.
Of course, due to its incredible quality and innovation, it was praised in particular for its clever, fast and precise script, its impressive performances and its ability to capture the complexity of human nature.
Jesse Armstrong and Succession, the best of television in mid-2023
Jesse Armstrong, the series’ creator and head writer, has crafted a story that’s both intriguing and emotionally complex. Production for HBO, presents us with complex and well-developed characterseach with their own motivations and desires when faced with important issues, such as greed, ambition and power highlighting on the small screen how these issues can affect human relationships.
Armstrong and his team have wisely taken a risk by avoiding all the common family drama tropes and instead opting for a more complex, emotionally charged narrative that keeps the viewer expectant and eager to learn more. more about all the issues surrounding it. this troubled family.
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Another contributing factor that makes Succession one of the most successful series of recent years is its success with the cast. The series has a wonderful cast, which includes Brian Cox, Jeremy Strong, Sarah Snook, Kieran Culkin and Matthew Macfadyen, to name only the main ones. Each actor delivers an impressive performance, with Brian Cox leading the show and earning all the accolades for his portrayal of the Roy family patriarch.
The cinematography and directing are also brilliant. The sets are very important and the directors use a very precise and neat visual aesthetic to capture the richness and power of the “Roys”. And to top it off, the music and sound editing are fantastic, adding to the series’ tense emotional atmosphere.
Intelligence level, emotions and how brilliantly written it is Succession allows us to enjoy one of the best series in the history of television. If you haven’t seen Succession yet, you absolutely have to run to see it. It is currently available on the platform HBOMax.
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