The missing person is called Miguel Hernández Quintero, 34, who is the father of 3 daughters and works as a mechanic.
“I’m desperate, we’ve already called everywhere, I’ve done everything, I don’t have a call from him,” said the mother, giving details of the last call she had with her son before the disappearance.
The mother said that last Thursday she spoke to Hernández Quintero to invite him to lunch, but he replied that he was far away and never gave his location.
In the middle of the call, the young man said that the police were making him a traffic stop and after questioning the officer, he replied in Spanish that he had a problem with his truck. Before the call was cut off, a vehicle door was heard opening.
The mother fears that her son has been intercepted by false policemen who have now kidnapped him, nor does she rule out that after the stop he has suffered a traffic accident due to this problem.
She also said that she has already spoken to prisons, hospitals and police departments in the area, but in all places she has received negative responses.
The US media reported that Hernández Quintero withdrew money the day before the disappearance and the last call from his cell phone was the one he made with his mother.
Cuban disappeared in Placetas
A couple of days ago, the disappearance of a young Cuban was reported called Deiny Torres Chacón in the city of Placetas, province of Villa Clara.
A post made on the Facebook page Cuba News indicates that the young person is sick with nerves and that is why his relatives request help to try to locate him.
Any information about this case can be shared by calling the telephone numbers: 55 51 80 10 and 52 86 79 92.