The long-awaited sequel to Shazam!, titled Shazam! Fury of the Gods,” hit theaters on March 17. with a disappointing opening weekend gross of $30.1 million. The film, directed by David F. Sandberg and starring Zachary Levi, received strong reviews from the trade press, but was hailed for its humor, heart and adventurous spirit.
“Shazam! Fury of the Gods” follow the adventures of Billy BatsonZachary Levi and his adopted siblings as they battle the evil old gods who threaten to destroy the world. The film features an all-star cast that includes Helen Mirren, Lucy Liu, Rachel Zegler, Adam Brody and a cameo by Gal Gadot, among others.
When is Shazam! Fury of the Gods in digital format?
The digital release of the film is good news for those who prefer to watch films at home or who did not want to see it in theaters. Also This is a sign of the very poor reception and lack of interest on the part of the general public for this sequel to Shazam! from where it is quite obvious that it did not arouse any expectation among the fans or the general public.
However, for those who couldn’t – don’t want to – see the film in theaters or prefer to see it from the comfort of their own home, according to media The Direct, Amazon Prime Video announced that Shazam! Fury Of The Gods” will be available digitally from April 18, exactly one month later..
For the moment, It has not been determined when HBO Max subscribers will be able to stream the film. No additional cost.
Despite disappointing box office receipts, theFans who went to see the film praised its fun tone and focus on family and friendship. The film was also praised for its inclusion of LGBT+ characters and its positive portrayal of diversity.
The film currently has a 52% Rotten Tomatoes rating from criticswhile on CinemaScore it earned a B+ rating from the general public in the USA.
You may also be interested: Shazam: Fury Of The Gods Is A Complete Box Office Disaster
The arrival of Shazam! Fury of the Gods so soon in digital format is confirmation of the film’s unfortunate failure at the box office And in just a month, everyone will be able to see it on their stuff. Despite this, It’s still in theaters around the world.
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