The creator of Euphoria, Sam Levinsonis the origin of the series which has The weekend there Lily Rose Depp as protagonists. The story tells how Jocelynea pop singer begins a rocky relationship with Tedrosa self-help guru who is secretly the leader of a cult.
It has been over two years since filming began and there is still no release date as there have been many hurdles. The director and screenwriter of some chapters left the project and eventually Levinson and The Weeknd took the reins and rewrote much of history changing the feminist view it had. Some of these workers ensure that the singer wanted more visibility.
Rolling Stone Review released a detailed report on the series involving more than a dozen team members and the mark of disaster. What was going to be a romantic relationship with power dynamics turned into a kind of misogynistic story, full of gratuitous sex and abuse.
They refer to her as “a rape fantasy any toxic man would have”. The crew talks about scenes Levinson and The Weeknd envisioned that weren’t actually filmed but were just as grim as the leading lady asking to be raped or one in which he got an erection after hitting her. . “It was like sex torture porn“, assured one of the sources.
The Weeknd’s response
A report that does not leave the series very well nor the two men who took care of it. AND The Weeknd did not remain silent. He released a clip of The idol in which his character speaks ill of the magazine itself. And he wrote a short sentence next to it: “Did Rolling Stone drive you crazy?”.
There is still no release date, but it is clear that this HBO production is accompanied by a first promotional campaign.