Robert de Niro and the divorce from his ex-wife Grace Hightower, along with the coronavirus pandemic, have left him penniless and nearly broke, according to his lawyer.

Caroline Krauss, lawyer for the protagonist of “One of our own”, was the one who revealed the complicated situation that her client is going through.

During an online hearing within the divorce process, the lawyer has been very negative about her client’s accounts before a Manhattan judge.

“Mr. De Niro is 77 years old, and while he loves his trade, he shouldn’t be forced to work at this prodigious rate because he has to. When will that end? When will you have a chance to maybe not take on all the projects that come your way? Or not working six days a week for 12 hours a day just to keep up with Miss Hightower’s thirst for Stella McCartney?” He said, referring to his ex-wife’s passion for fashion.

“De Niro could get sick tomorrow, and the party will be over”, were his strong final words.

Krauss went on to explain that in addition to the financial demands Hightower is making, De Niro also has millions of dollars behind in his taxes, and the money from his next two film projects will go to pay off that debt.

Furthermore, the attorney charged that Grace Hightower has continually spent more and more money over the years, even spending $1.2 million on a diamond.

For his part, Hightower’s lawyer denies that the actor’s situation is as described by Caroline Krauss, and points out that De Niro “earned five million dollars for acting in the hit movie The Irishman; He spent $450,000 on a summer rental in Amagansett in 2019, he also spent $150,000 on a Thanksgiving vacation and a million on his adult children in 2019 and 2020,” according to Fox News.

This has been the love life of Robert de Niro

The story between De Niro and Hightower has been talking for years. The couple married in 1997. She was a TWA flight attendant and after two years of marriage they signed their first divorce in 99.

In 2004 both were surprised by giving themselves a new opportunity, although they wanted to make a prenuptial agreement that would benefit both in the event of a new separation.

In 2018 that second disagreement came and, according to what was signed, the interpreter of Los untouchables by Eliot Ness must pay a million dollars a year to his former partner.

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