This week saw the premiere of one of the most anticipated anime of 2023: Oshi no Ko. The animated adaptation of Aka Akasaka’s latest work (Kaguya-sama: screenwriter Love Is War) debuted in style with a 90-minute first episode to rave reviews. For many it is one of the best anime ever madeand this is generating a lot of interest towards the original manga.
Now that Oshi no Ko is trending worldwide thanks to its anime series, it’s time to address one of the most discussed issues among Spanish-speaking viewers. Where can I read the manga in Spanish and legally? Afterwards I explain everything you need to know in regards to.
Can Oshi no Ko manga be read online for free?
- Oshi no Ko is a manga published in Young Jump magazine, so ALL of its chapters are available for FREE on the official Manga Plus website/app
- The bad news is that for now can only be read in englishand there is no news that a Spanish translation will be available soon
- Moreover, it must be remembered that Manga Plus allows us to read all chapters once except the last 4-5which can be seen as many times as you want
- The day of publication of new issues of Oshi no Ko is Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. (Spanish peninsula time)
What is Oshi no Ko about?
Ai Hoshino is a 16-year-old popular idol who has everything to succeed: a beautiful and innocent image and talent. Even if all is not as beautiful as they paint it…
One day, Ai shows up at the office of Goro Honda, a gynecologist who happens to be a big fan of hers, but he brings a surprise: she’s pregnant with twins. Little does Goro know that during a chance meeting with another fan, he will end up dying… only to be reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino, one of Ai’s newborns!
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