Phenomena and Seven Kings Must Die, two of the most powerful premieres of the weekend

With the arrival of the weekend, it’s a good time to see all the premieres of netflix which arrive this Friday, April 14, 2023. It is a very complete weekend, in which two films and a series stand out, as well as other less interesting proposals. If you want to know why Seven Kings Must Die is the best weekend premiere and why Phenomena was a splash for me… Keep reading!

The best premiere on Netflix from April 14 to 16, 2023 is… Seven Kings Must Die

You see The Last KingdomNext seven kings must die It’s a must-see movie. Although it is recommended for fans only, I’m sure even those of you who have no idea about the series will come across a very interesting historical feature film, well produced and with catchy action sequences.

After the death of King Edward, Uhtred of Bebbanburg and their comrades venture across a fractured kingdom in hopes of finally uniting England.

Other Netflix releases this weekend


All I had to say phenomena I said so in their respective reviews. I don’t want to beat around the bush, but I think it’s Carlos Therón’s worst film and a failed comedy in every way. It is neither funny nor functions as a tribute to the Hepta group, still active today. Fortunately its cast (Wheel of Bethlehem, Grace Wave, Tony Acosta there Emilio Gutierrez Caba) save furniture from failure.

To the weather

Megalyn Echikunwoke his directorial debut with To the weathera horror short featuring a journalist who loses her baby during childbirth and begins to experience terrifying visions and attacks while facing her demons in the solitude of the house. It only lasts 20 minutes and is a very good cover letter.

queen maker

The bone K-drama continues to be a trend netflix. If a few weeks ago Glory triumphed across the world, queen maker can repeat the feat with a dramatic story featuring an image consultant. After a tragic accident, uses his talent to turn a lawyer into a future mayor of the city…and finish off their old bosses.

Queenmaker, Netflix’s K-Drama that intends to rock

flight of queens

Four friends decide to embark on a journey together, after facing different crossroads in their lives. Jorge Macaya directs this comedy about friendship produced by Mexico and starring Martha Higareda, Paola Nuñez and Alejandra Ambrosi. there Valeria Vera.

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