Mariah, 52, went to a vaccination center in the United States like any other citizen of that country, and to have a record of the special moment she decided to record and share it through her networks.

Although it is not known precisely which vaccine he received, it could be that of Pfizer or Moderna, since Luis Miguel’s ex said that it is the first application, and the two mentioned vaccines are the ones that are being used in the United States. Joined.

“They are having a conversation about doctors and here I am, happy and a little nervous about this first injection. I am distracting them from doing their work, but you know how I am and I speak so as not to think.

Here we are, after that first post where I was washing my hands with Ron and Roe in New York, trying to encourage people to be safe. They know that we are all in this battle together, “Carey said.


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