Several people spoke with Telemundo Responde and reported to state and federal authorities that they had lost a total of nearly $400,000, believing they were participating in a great investment, which so far has not turned out. not materialized.
Azalea Iñiguez spoke with an expert, and today in the last part of “Where was my money?” He tells us what he said.
Although guilt has not been determined in this case, we asked a former FBI agent to explain some strategies people use to attract investors, promising them big profits, which are rarely realized.
“I created an account of about $530,000, no more in the circle of parents, my children and those who invited my children,” Marina González said.
Ms. González now regrets inviting her family and friends to participate in what she thought was a great investment. It was 2021 when they all signed contracts that said if they loaned money to a supposed bank, in one year, for every $10,000 they would receive $24,455, but to this day , a year and a half later… they are still waiting and calculating what they have lost.
“Between my mom, me, my sister, my brother and my wife, it was about $270,000,” said Daniel González, his family “loaning” more than $270,000.
“$105,000,” Joshua González said.
“I invested 20,000 balls,” said Ricardo Iñiguez Reynoso, “loaned” 20,000 dollars.
“I invested the amount of $10,000,” said Leonel Corona, “loaned” $10,000.
“The amount I lent was $20,000,” Armando Garcia said, “he lent” $20,000.
“No Yes. We all fell,” said Armando García, “loaned” $20,000.
“Believe me, I feel guilty for inviting them, but unfortunately everyone received the orientation that was given to me,” said Marina González, who invited family and friends to participate in an alleged investment .
And it is precisely that each person, explained this FBI expert, regardless of who invited them, must do their own research before embarking on an investment.
“Sometimes a person talks to 10 family members because they think it’s legit,” said Carlos Narro, a retired FBI agent.
And that’s exactly what scammers want.
“The idea is to find a lot of investors, who will believe that they will make a lot of money in a short time. And then, with the money from the first investment, they pay people,” said Carlos Narro, a retired FBI agent.
The catch, Narro said, is that early investors receive payouts.
“But what almost always happens is that there comes a time when they can’t recruit people anymore, and there are no more funds to pay people,” said Carlos Narro, an agent at the retired from the FBI.
Remember, if you are offered to make an investment, you must be vigilant.
“If it sounds really good, it’s a scam. If someone says, I’ll give you 50%… You give me $10,000, I’ll give you $20 in six months, it’s not like that, nobody works like that. You have to do your homework on the internet, at the FTC, the BBB’s bargain desk,” added Carlos Narro, a retired FBI agent.
Don’t be pressured and be sure to ask lots of questions and check the answers.
“What is the name of the company auditor? Chiefs? The directors ? said the retired FBI agent.
And if you fall for a scam, don’t be embarrassed or intimidated, report it to the FBI immediately. And be careful, even if you received payments initially and brought other people, do not worry, you would not be considered an accomplice.
“Because if I didn’t know I was a victim, or it was a fraud, I’m doing something honest by telling my family, that’s fine, it’s not a crime. The crime was committed by the fraudster. Obviously, all of these people are going to be witnesses against the scammer,” said Carlo Narro, a retired FBI agent.
And very importantly, regardless of your immigration status, you have rights.
“They shouldn’t be afraid, whether it’s documented or not, it has nothing to do with the justice system. Nobody is going to ask him that, it has nothing to do with it,” said Carlos Narro, a retired FBI agent.
It is very important to report any cases of suspected fraud to the FBI and the State and District Attorney, because only then can investigations be carried out and, if illegal acts are verified, people likely to commit misdeeds in many places at the same time can be arrested. Moreover, for each such violation, the culprits can spend from 5 to 25 years in prison.