“Jujutsu Kaisen” introduced with his anime a group of wizards and curses that, face to face, have already left completely sensational battles. Obviously, although this story has Itadori and Sukuna as main characters to follow (as it was back then with Naruto and Kurama equivalently), the truth is that there is another character who was all the rage from the first moment he saw the light: Satoru Goju. And yes, there is a question about this that confuses many: why are you covering your eyes?
Who is Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen?
- We meet Gojo in the first season of the anime Jujutsu Kaisen, and he is the one who is mainly in charge of recruit Itadori and to make sure Sukuna doesn’t go wild. It’s basically, a wizard who fights against the curses that inhabit the Earth.
- Similarly, in the case of the beginning of Jujutsu Kaisen we see that Gojo is already a wizard. experimented with years of experience behind him. This is something that is also seen in Jujutsu Kaisen 0although in the case of the film we can see how Gojo He began his wizarding studies as a teenager..
- But getting back to Gojo’s power, how can he limit Sukuna if it’s the strongest curse of all? Well, because in the same way Gojo is recognized as the most powerful of all wizards, and by quite a wide margin as well..
- How can Gojo be the most powerful wizard of all? Well, aside from dominating all the clinch bases like few others, he mostly possesses his unique techniques ‘Mukagen’ and ‘Mugen’. In short: his unique sorcerer ability allows him to control all space around you at the atomic level (Mukagen). Such is so, that generates an “infinity” between him and his rival through which he decides such simple things as what can and cannot hit him (Mugen). Basically, Gojo is in control of EVERYTHING on the battlefield.
- But why does Gojo possess such exceptional power? Well, it stems from having inherited the very rare ‘Rikugan’ (Six Eyes) that runs in his family. And it is precisely for this reason that Gojo sees the need to constantly cover his eyes.
The reason why Gojo covers his eyes in Jujutsu Kaisen
- If anyone in the room saw Bleachyou will have noticed Kenpachi He wears a patch which, when removed, causes his spirit energy to “explode” wildly. In fact, it is a sigil that limits his power. And yes, in the case of Gojo’s headband we find something very similar.
- Basically, the fact that Gojo has the Rikugan, which in turn allows him to use Mukagen and Mugen, makes just having your eyes uncovered starts to constantly drain your energy. In other words, if Gojo covers his eyes, it’s because otherwise his own powers would completely exhaust him.
- So does Gojo ALWAYS use his powers? Well, to some extent yes, since the Rikugan seems to be a permanently active hereditary technique. Precisely, it is this same which explains that Gojo can continue to see even with his eyes covered.
- As Gege Akutami, author of Jujutsu Kaisen, explains, The power of the Rikugan allows Gojo to easily sense the energy of everyone around him. What amounts to the same: when he is blindfolded, Gojo’s vision resembles a thermal filter in which he essentially enjoys the shapes of anything that gives off energy.
And unless I’m missing something, that’s the essential explanation for why Gojo covers his eyes in “Jujutsu Kaisen.” If you thought it was because they were too pretty and it’s a crime to wear them 24/7, then you were wrong, but I don’t blame you for thinking that, honestly. On the other hand, if anyone thinks I missed something in the explanation, feel free to contribute in the comment section.
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