Jujutsu Kaisen” are one of the most beloved franchises in the current scene. For this reason, many subscribers are eagerly awaiting an announcement in the MAPPA 2023 internship next May. Of course, it would be logical for them to give us news, since Season 2 of the anime is coming this summer.

Today, I come to talk to you specifically about the second temporada of “Jujutsu Kaisen”. And we could see a new promotional image new episodes that are about to arrive, according to collected AIR. I leave it here, and below I remind you a little of what we know about season 2.

New Jujutsu Kaisen T2 Poster

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Premiere and Broadcast Details

Here is the information we have so far:

  • To begin with, we know that Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 will air in July.
  • This will consist of Two partsWhat will be issued consecutively.
  • That’s to say, we will have Jujutsu between July and December 2023 (summer and winter seasons).
  • And the number of episodes? good, again has not been officially releasedbut, with this duration, it seems clear that will repeat the 24 of the first season (one up or one down).

And here is the information on the new visual and reminder about the premiere and duration of the second season of “Jujutsu Kaisen”. Are you looking forward to it? I invite you to share your impressions in the comments.

Before finishing, I leave you with an article that my colleague Cristian prepared talking about where to watch “Jujutsu Kaisen” anime in full. For what there’s no better way to prepare for season 2. Additionally, you might be interested in knowing official character size. Another rather curious detail is that Gojo was inspired by a Naruto characteralthough surely it’s not what you think.

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