“Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure“It does not stop, and for a few weeks what is called ‘JoJoLands‘, which is part 9 of this huge universe created by Hirohiko Araki. Likewise, at the same time as this new phase of history began, we met Jodio Joestar, who is indeed the manga’s new protagonist. And indeed, as more than one would suppose, it didn’t take too long for this character to I found myself in the world of cosplays.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s New Protagonist, Jodio Joestar, Already Has His Own Cosplay
So I leave you with the cosplay of Shinkishoya cosplayer who is dedicated above all to representing the characters of the multiple parts of “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”:
Honestly, although the cosplay looks extremely homemade, the truth is that it’s brutal. The level of detail in the first glimpses of Jodio Joestar is exceptionaland it must be taken into account that the cosplay in question was published practically at the same time as the beginning of part 9 of the manga “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”.
To compare a little more directly with the design of Hirohiko Araki, I leave you with an image of Jodio Joestar himself:
Truth is, it’s not bad at all as one of the first approaches to the character I’ve come to see. Of course, what I have no doubt about is that in the future, Jodio Joestar will occupy a lot more cosplays like in this case. At the end, Shinkishoy isn’t the only cosplayer dedicated (almost) entirely to the “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” franchise, so as the character grows in popularity, I’m sure it will spread much further afield..
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Meet Ashley Johnson, the lead reporter for Globe Live Media, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, and music. As a fitness enthusiast and a profound yoga student, she shares her passion for a healthy lifestyle, which stems from growing up in Beverly Hills, where she frequently interacts with renowned artists.
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