jimmy kimmel was responsible for presenting the night of the oscars 2023 and he did it from experience. For the well-known presenter, this was his third appearance on Hollywood movie night and he didn’t hesitate to take the darts with him to the ceremony.

From the start of the gala, he remembered Will Smithprotagonist in 2022 for the slap he planted Chris Rock after the comedian joked about his wife.

“We know this is a special night for you. We want you to have fun. We want you to feel safe. And above all, we want me to feel safe.“said the presenter, referring to the fact that Rock was the presenter when Smith went to slap him.

“So we have strict policies. If anyone in this theater commits an act of violence at any time during the show, they will receive the Oscar for Best Actor. and will be allowed to give a 19-minute speech,” added Kimmel, referring to the Oscar Smith received in 2022 for the Williams method.

Smith wasn’t the only one he was referring to when he mentioned this moment in the ceremony. Kimmel also remembered who attended the last gala and how they acted when they saw the attack. “Seriously, the Academy has a crisis team. If something unpredictable or violent happens during the ceremony, do what you did last year: nothing. Sit down and do absolutely nothing. Maybe even give the abuser a hug,” Kimmel said, recalling the peers who flocked to comfort the actor after the incident.

“If someone wants to get on stage and make a joke, I have friends who protect me”added Kimmel, mentioning some gala attendees such as Michael B. Jordan (Creed), Andrew Garfield (Spider Man), michelle yeo (all at once everywhere), Peter Pascal (The Mandalorian) o Guillermo del Torowinner of the Oscar for best animated film for Pinochio.

The ceremony continued and so did Kimmel’s slap jokes. While the gala had already advanced, the presenter returned to the stage with a new dart. “At this point in the series, the slaps are a bit lacking, aren’t they?”pointed out the presenter, that after finishing the ceremony -when all at once everywhere he had already won Best Picture – he joked about the slap again.

“Great job, crisis team,” said the presenter, who at the end of the gala updated a poster that read “number of uneventful Oscar broadcasts” with the number “001”.

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