The anime of “Jigokuraku” receives the green light this April 2, 2023, more precisely the 1st, so he will be one of the people responsible for opening the ban on this occasion. That said, considering that the original manga spanned a total of 13 volumes, it must be assumed that this adaptation will not be one of the most extensive. what seems to be the length of this first season leaves some doubts about how he will handle the project MAP.

Jigokuraku Anime Won’t Air Only In Spring

That’s what he said egg on how long will the anime of “Jigokuraku” be:

  • Basically, egg reported that The Jigokuraku anime will have two different parts.
  • What he also confirmed is that the coins will be issued separately. That’s to say, it is highly likely that by summer Jigokuraku anime will stop airing to return to action in the fall season.
Jigokuraku is looking pretty good so far in its trailers.
  • Similarly, this 2-part duration should imply that the number of chapters of the anime in its debut will be between 23 and 25.
  • As I already commented, with 13 manga volumes (and 127 chapters) behind, a first season divided into 2 parts This implies that the story will surely find its end in just a few seasons..
  • The only alternative to this last scenario is that, with MAPPA serenely taking the narrative pace, it was decided that ONLY this first season would have +20 episodes, and that later there would be seasons 2 and 3 of 12 episodes each. Anyway, this is pure speculation on my part.

Honestly, considering that โ€œJujutsu Kaisenโ€ Season 2 will theoretically air from July to December of this 2023, it makes sense that โ€œShingeki no Kyojinโ€ saw its ending so fragmented. At the end, we are talking about MAPPA intending to potentially work on 2 animes of +20 episodes in the same year. Let’s just hope “Jigokuraku” gets the treatment it deserves, because it really is a franchise with a lot of anime potential.

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