There are not few people who they think Apple’s Satellite Emergency SOS feature is an empty claim, but there are many human stories that prove otherwise. The last involves three students battling hypothermia In a canyon in Utah.

The students, who are about to graduate from Brigham Young University in Utah, decided to take a trip to the San Rafael Swell Recreation Area, which has many canyons to visit, as well as other geological formations.

After canyoning for almost a yearThey had heard of a nearby canyon and wanted to visit it to add to their list of conquests.

We had read about this beautiful canyon, after canyoning for about a yearsaid Bridger Woods, one of the students. The band got in trouble after come across a set of fairly deep poolsfilled with ice water.

The iPhone 14 saves their first lives. / iPadized

We suspect the very wet Utah winter has changed the canyon a bit, resulting in a much tougher scenario than we were prepared for.said Jeremy Mumford, another of the students and an avid canyon climber.

The group spent nearly three hours in the freezing water., after which several began to show signs of hypothermia. “I went into hypothermic shock and started freaking out and freezing and these two saw me and got really worriedsaid Momford.

When the trio realized that the situation had become quite dangerous, they used an iPhone 14 to send an emergency SOS signal via a satellite that passed through the areaand cavalry arrived soon after to rescue them, thus averting tragedy.

I’ll be honest, I cried when I saw the helicopter thereWoods said.I am very grateful to them, but I would have liked to meet them in other circumstances. They all seem like amazing people. Again, just a huge, huge thank you“.

At the end of last year, the same satellite function saved a man in Alaska and a couple in California after a car accident. It might seem pointless, until someone gets stuck somewhere without cover and it saves your life.

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