The good weather is coming and with it wedding season, in which we are surely invited to more than one. And it is that in addition to the suit, the accessories and the possible displacement it is necessary to add the wedding gift to bride and groomwhich always ends up giving us headaches.
In Spain it is traditional that when we are invited to a wedding let’s give money to the couple, a gesture with which it is planned to build to cover the costs of this great celebration. But how much money is given at a wedding in Spain? Usually there is an “unwritten law” that, at a minimum, the invitation is paidwhich can vary according to the municipality, the farm or the space, the type of menu… A difficult decision!
Many think that giving 100 euros to a wedding is more than enough and others that it is rather little. The debate is served and all this leads us to repeat the same question: How much money should you really give to a wedding? According to an expert in organizing events in the bridal sector, Sergio García Mohedano, many variables must be taken into account, such as the municipality in which the celebration will take place; the place itself, as prices can vary considerably; the main courses on the menu, the possibility of having catering or not, and the open bar and its duration, among others.
The specialist also recommends taking into account mainly the “economic possibilities” of each, since we cannot always give everything we would like. Another point that Sergio García also invites us to take into account when donating money at a wedding is the type of relationship that unites us as a couple, because it sometimes implies that the amount of money that we are going to give is higher. This is another one of those “unwritten laws”.
Several 50 euro banknotes with wedding rings. / Getty
The amount of money to give to the bride and groom at weddings
It is true that there are friends who end up becoming our own family and that, on a day like this, skimping on the gift is not something that can be discussed. But even so, and taking into account all the circumstances set forth above, certain general scales can be fixed which might help us to decide how much money do we want to give the bride and groom on their wedding.
Teniendo en cuenta que no será lo mismo pagar el cubierto en Madrid que en Zaragoza, por ejemplo, y que todo el pack que cada uno contracte tendrá incluido determinados servicios (menú especial, catering…), el experto asegura que lo recomendable es What “150 euros per person are paidwhich is the minimum price that coverage could cost. And from there, “up” since normally the bride and groom also pay for other services such as the open bar, the wedding details for the guests…
These numbers increase if the relationship with boyfriends It is quite narrow, coming to be located in 250 euros per person. As for going to the wedding with children, there it would be enough to cover the 100 euros for the cover, although “according to the community this price could be even lower” in the words of the organizer.
Bodas Colorín wedding planner Eva Iglesias also agrees with this perspective, who spoke in Vogue magazine about the importance of considering factors beyond the invitation. The specialist assures in this header that the protocol varies “in each autonomous community” and that “the rental of spaces and farms” as well as the restoration must be taken into account.
Along the same lines, International Protocol School communications director Marina Fernández also told ABC newspaper that the money paid to the bride and groom at weddings “is not a matter of protocol,” but rather a situation which is “determined by the customs and traditions marked in the family, as well as in the locality where one resides”.

An envelope with money and wedding rings. / Getty
How much money to give to a wedding if you don’t go
Sometimes direct relatives or very close friends cannot attend the wedding, but that does not mean that we do not have to have a detail with them, because it is always exciting. In fact, if the relationship with the couple is very close, we would have to pay an amount of money that covers at least the coverage or donate material. In this case, it’s important to be original and think of something that really excites them.
Weddings always involve a huge financial outlay no matter where you look at it, and sometimes they come at a difficult time for our pocket. When this happens, the best option will always be to talk to the couple and explain our situation to them. Something that they surely understand and in which they also invite us to spend the day with them because what really matters to them is our business. We can also participate in other ways, by helping with certain tasks during the wedding or simply by giving a gift later, when our economic situation is more favourable.