In this post, I will explain you with a step by step guide how to complete the side quest “The lost astrolabe”, although yes, it is a very simple mission to do in the world of Hogwarts Legacy. But I’ll also walk you through all the rewards you’ll get with it and how to start it.
“The Lost Astrolabe” Side Quest Guide
how does it start
It will be unlocked once you have already visited the restricted section. All you have to do is exit the castle, to the south, and go to the edge of the lake, to a small dock there. There you have to speak Grace Pinch-Smedley, a Slytherin student, who will ask you to find her a precious family treasure that fell into the lake.
How to complete it
Fulfilling this mission is quite simple, especially since whoever enters the lake to swim is our character and not us in real life. Well yes, you have to go in the direction where the map shows you swimming. there you will see some bubbling areas where you should dive. Go to these areas and press the button indicated on the screen to pick up the object that is sunk there.

Take everything you see and when you’re done, return to Grace to inform her and return the Astrolabe, and you’ll have completed the side quest.
mission rewards
- you will have a mermaid mask at the end of this mission
All side quests and other useful guides on Hogwarts Legacy